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Raspberry Pi as Plex Server

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April 2023 I’m a proud mother of a 18 months old boy named Dante. I wanted to save all his photos in a place different from my smartphone but to have access to them whenever I’m home. So I thought it would be a great opportunity to use my Raspberry 4 which is laying around… Read More

Arcade – How to switch from MagicMirror to RetroPie using a push button connected to a GPIO pin

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Recently I have shown how to launch MagicMirror from RetroPie. You can check it out here! I also have shown how to switch back to RetroPie from MagicMirror using USB joystick buttons. Because I wanted to turn off the LEDs from the buttons while using MagicMirror I needed to disable power to the USB Read More

Arcade – How to switch from MagicMirror to RetroPie using Joystick Buttons

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Recently I have shown how to launch MagicMirror from RetroPie. You can check it out here! Now I want to show the opposite: How to access RetroPie from MagicMirror (running on LXDE desktop) using USB joystick buttons (by replacing mouse and keyboard). It’s possible to quit MagicMirror and to en Read More

Arcade – How to launch MagicMirror from RetroPie

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I’m new to Raspberry Pi and I have recently built an Arcade with it, using an old monitor and 2 Player Joystick Buttons. Now I’m trying to explore the full potential of the Raspberry Pi and I wanted to launch the MagicMirror application from RetroPie. My version of RetroPie is comit f906 Read More